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VS Code tips

The different versions of VS Code

In this article, I will refer to VS Code in a generic way, but it is good to remember that there are three variants of this editor: Code - OSS, Visual Studio Code and VSCodium.

Overall, these three versions only differ in licensing, telemetry, and some default configuration items. It is important to know that you need to use the Visual Studio Code version distributed by Microsoft to be able to use some extensions like the mniSharp C# Debugger (there are also issues with Remote - SSH and the Dev Containers).

Note: For more information regarding the differences between Visual Studio Code and Code - OSS, you can check out Code - OSS GitHub wiki.

Making VS Code the default commit editor

Using VS Code as your default commit editor has two advantages over using the terminal:

  • You can see your typos (with the Code Spell Checker extension).
  • If you are using commitlint, you can also use an extension (commitlint) to see live whether your commit message follows the form required by your configuration.

To make VS Code your default commit editor, enter this command in your terminal:

Terminal window
git config --global core.editor "code --wait"

Note: The --wait flag allows you to avoid errors like: "Aborting commit due to empty commit message."

Stage specific lines with Git

If you want to stage only specific lines instead of the entire file, you have two options:

  1. Click the gutter on the side of your editor, then click the + button to stage the selected code block.
    Three lines edited with VS Code and a panel opened to stage them.
  2. You can also select the lines you want and add them with a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+K Ctrl+Alt+S is the default shortcut, but you can change it to something more accessible if needed) or the command palette.
And with the command line?

You can also index specific blocks from the command line. Again, there are two possible approaches:

  1. Use this command to start interactive staging. The terminal will guide you.
    Terminal window
    git add --interactive
  2. Use this command to directly select the code blocks you want to stage for a specific file.
    Terminal window
    git add -p <file-name>

Comparing two files

Sometimes it is useful to compare two files to find the differences between them. To do this, right-click on the reference file and select Select for compare. Then right-click on the file you want to compare and select Compare with selected.

Fun fact

Before I discovered this feature, I used a rather… peculiar technique to compare the difference between two files.

As a big fan of stereograms, I realized that if I put the files I wanted to compare side by side, I could cross-view them and highlight the differences! Try this image to see ;-)

Two compiled code snippets side by side. Both look identical but there is a small difference between these two blocks of code.

Keyboard shortcuts

VS Code has a substantial list of shortcuts (you can find the full list on the official documentation site). If you feel lost by the extent of the commands to remember, here is a small selection of the key combinations that I use most often.

Default shortcuts

  • Ctrl + space : triggers IntelliSense. Very handy.
  • Ctrl + Enter et Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Insert a line below and above the current cursor location, respectively. No need to go to the end of the line and press enter!
  • lorem<n> : to generate dummy text (this is an Emmet shortcut). You can adjust the number of words generated. For example, lorem50 will generate a dummy text of 50 words.
  • Alt + F5 and Shift + Alt + F5: Navigate to the next or previous edit (with Git). However, I find these shortcuts difficult to access and have replaced them with Ctrl + arrow up and Ctrl + arrow down.
  • F8 and Shift + F8: quickly jump to errors and warnings in the project.
  • Ctrl + Backspace and Ctrl + Delete: delete an entire word (from the right or from the left of the cursor). This shortcut is not specific to VS Code and can be used everywhere. :-)

Custom shortcuts suggestions

EIn addition to the basic shortcuts provided by VS Code, you can create your own. You can do this either from the VS Code GUI, or from the keybindings.json file. As a suggestion, you'll find a list of shortcuts for this file at the bottom of the list below.

  • Ctrl Ctrl : allows you to choose a file by pressing the Ctrl key twice.
  • Shift Shift : Opens the command palette by pressing the Shift key twice.
  • Ctrl + Shift + W : Closes all tabs except the one you are currently on. You can also right-click on any tab and select: Close others.
  • Ctrl + Shift + S : Saves all your edited files. No more going back through your tabs and saving your files one by one.
  • Ctrl + Shift + < : Allows you to fold and unfold the code at the cursor position.
"key": "ctrl ctrl",
"command": "workbench.action.quickOpen"
"key": "shift shift",
"command": "workbench.action.showCommands"
"key": "ctrl+shift+w",
"command": "workbench.action.closeOtherEditors"
"key": "ctrl+shift+s",
"command": "workbench.action.files.saveFiles"
"key": "ctrl+[IntlBackslash]",
"command": "editor.toggleFoldRecursively",
"when": "editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled"

Custom snippets

In addition to the default IntelliSense snippets, you can create your own Snippets personnalisés. As with the keyboard shortcuts section, I will describe the list of the ones I think are the most useful and provide the corresponding configuration file.

  • l : to simply do a console.log();. This operation is so frequent that it fully deserves a snippet.
.ts .tsx .js .jsx
"Print to console": {
"prefix": "l",
"body": ["console.log('$1');", "$2"],
"description": "Log output to console"


Here are the extensions that I consider to be the most useful and that I use regularly.

Code Spell Checker

Code Spell Checker is a must-have for me. This extension allows you to highlight spelling mistakes in your code. Besides the obvious usefulness when writing comments or Markdown documentation, you can also detect naming issues for your variables. For example, naming your variable maximumVallue will highlight it and you will have the option, by hovering your cursor over the variable, to apply a correct spelling.

Code snippet with two variable declarations. The first one, maximumVallue is underlined thanks to the extension but the second one, maximumValue is not.

Note: If you are using another language besides English, you will need to add an additional extension for your language. For example, to add French to the general dictionary, you will need to download French - Code Spell Checker.

And without extension?

You can check CSpell and in particular @cspell/eslint-plugin to add an additional check to your ESLint configuration.

Material Icon Theme

In my opinion, it's the only appearance element worth modifying. Thanks to the Material Icon Theme, you'll be able to see more easily what type of file you're working with. Here's a quick comparison with the file explorer view on an Angular project without this extension:

List of files in VS Code Explorer. The files example.component.ts, example.pipe.ts, example.routes.ts, and example.service.ts all have the same icon without the Material Icon Theme extension.

Now here is the same view with the extension:

Liste de fichiers dans l'explorateur de VS Code. Les fichiers example.component.ts, example.pipe.ts, example.routes.ts et example.service.ts ont à présent tous une icône différente grâce à l'extension Material Icon Theme.

Without the extension, all TypeScript files looked similar, which can make navigation more cumbersome. With the extension, each file type has a distinctive appearance.

Better Comments

Better Comments makes it easier to find your comments by adding colors.

CSS Modules

If you are using CSS Modules with React, this extension will be very useful for you! It adds autocompletion when entering the class name in your JSX, and you'll also be able to go to the class definition.

CSS Variable Autocomplete

Be careful, several extensions have a similar name. CSS Variable Autocomplete is the one I find most effective to add autocomplete in a more consistent way when using CSS variables. I think that in the future we will not need this extension anymore but for now I consider it necessary.


I mainly installed the SVG extension so I could preview these files in my IDE, but I recently discovered that some other cool features came with it (autocompletion, built-in documentation, and more).

Live Server

We always need a Live Server to test things!


A handy extension to have if you have set up a commit convention with commitlint. You will be able to see in real time if your commit message is consistent with your configuration.

LaTeX Workshop

One last extension that is quite specific but I mention it because I use it and like it. LaTeX Workshop gives you a framework to use LaTeX within VS Code. It depends on the mood. You can also add LTeX – LanguageTool grammar/spell checking to launch an offline instance of LanguageTool, allowing advanced text checking.

Additional resources